
Chung Li English Village Field Trip

On Friday, June 26th, 36 students from Grades 4 and 5 visited the Taoyuan International English Village at Chung Li Elementary School. Students participated in English language role-plays, cooking activities, games and craft-making programs.

Thank you to students Tyrone Pan 潘羿辰 (403), Alice Sung 宋采樺 (502) and Joyce Wang 王敏宜 (506) for organizing and leading the student groups during our visit!

Here are some of the student comments:

1. I like the Transportation Room because we play many games.

2. 希望我們學校能夠定期舉辦類似的活動。

3. 今天我最喜歡的課程是美勞課,還有餐廳禮儀學習。

4. 希望六年級的戶外教學可以再來一次,讓全班同學可以體驗全英文的課程。

5. 我覺得每一間英文教室最好有一位翻譯的老師,不然我們始終聽不懂。

6. 我覺得我沒有準備好,因為我雖然背了一些英文單字,但好像還是不夠。

7. I learned how to communicate with foreigners and learned many different cultures.

8. 我最喜歡 Toy Workshop, 因為那位老師很會搞笑。

9. 我準備好了,因為前兩天老師有幫我們上行前訓練。

10. 出發前我有先準備,以免結巴。

11. 這次的一日遊我很開心。

12. 我覺得用闖關的遊戲來學英文,讓英文變得很好玩。

13. 那裏的外籍老師都很會搞笑,我們每一節課都有歡樂的笑聲喔!!


2009 Advanced English Program - Student Comments

Dung Xin Elementary School concluded the first semester of its Advanced English Program. Students in grades 4 and 5 were selected from across all of Keelung's elementary schools. Thanks to all the teachers who participated in this new program.

Here are some of their comments about favorite activities:

1. 我最喜歡Readers' Theater,這課程讓我更喜歡英文了。

2. 所有的課程我都喜歡,因為都很有趣,可以學到不同的東西。

3. 我最喜歡製作三明治的課程,可以吃東西,又可以學到相關單字。

4. 我最喜歡Alex老師的猜謎。

5. 我喜歡王振蕙老師的課,因為很有趣,又可以學到戲劇。

6. 我最喜歡Mikania的課,因為她很幽默。

7. 我喜歡佩蘭校長的課,用段落引導我們創作文章。

Here are some of their comments about what they learned in the AEP Program:

1. 我認識了歌舞劇的有趣,學到選擇與改寫劇本、分組與角色分配、台詞練習、道具製作等等….

2. Learned some new vocabulary.

3. Learned how to use computer to write an article and how to read the small stories.

4. 美術、音樂和閱讀能力都增強了。

5. 學到了如何表演、如何敞開胸懷。


2009 AEP - Advanced English Program

This semester, Dung Xin Elementary School was the host school for a new Advanced English Program. Teachers and instructors from several disciplines -- language, music, theatre, performance and movement -- taught grade 4 and 5 students selected from all of Keelung's elementary schools.

Alex recently recorded the students reciting some favourite children's poems by well-known American poet, Jack Prelutsky.

You can watch the poetry read-alouds videos at our blog English at Dung Xin.

The videos can also be seen at Dung Xin's YouTube channel.


Why I Want to Visit Chung Li English Village

Grade 4 and 5 students were asked to write why they want to participate in our school field trip to Chung Li English Village later this month (Friday, June 26, 2009).

Here are some of their written responses:


~ 丁昀姍 Sandy Ding (Class 501)


~ 林雯捷 Wendy Lin (Class 401)


~ 鄧羽涵 Alice Dung (Class 406)

I have learned Engish for many years, but I seldom use it in my daily life. If I am in an all English environment, maybe I will have more courage to communicate with foreigners and learn about different cultures.
~ 周奕 Joseph Zhou (Class 407)

Because I already started English from preschool, I have a very big interest in English. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to increase my self-confidence and knowledge.
~ 邱心蘋 Janice Chiou (Class 407)

I enjoy studying English a lot, so I want to be chosen for this 1-day field trip to Chung Li English Village. English is my favorite subject. I hope my English listening ability and accent will improve with practice.
~ 王敏宜Joyce Wang (Class 506)

I like English more than Chinese, but I am living in Taiwan. I want to join the English Village field trip so I can learn a lot of new things and speak English for one day with another country's teachers.
~ 吳紹齊 Jason Wu (Class 502)