OUR English program at Dung Xin Elementary School is focused on giving children a positive start to the study of a difficult and challenging language. Because much of the English that your child will study (especially in their later years, in junior and senior high school) is focused on grammar and translation, many students have poor listening abilities and are often very shy to speak in an unfamiliar language. Our challenge is to instill in young learners the interest, enthusiasm and ultimately, the confidence to learn and succeed in English.
In addition to our set curriculum of basic conversation skills, introductory phonics and beginning vocabulary, our students will be exposed to language as spoken by native English speakers, participate in hands-on activities and take an active approach to their learning that gives purpose and meaning to their English learning.
With your help and support, your child can be better prepared to meet this challenge. You can encourage your child to regularly review their materials, both text and CD. Reading aloud (at least 2 times each week) will help build speaking confidence. Ask to see your child's textbook. Near the end of each semester we will send home your child's writing notebook and English Passport (of dialogs and phrases) for you to review with your child.
Most importantly, listen to your child. Have meaningful conversations with your child and be patient and positive. Know that learning a new language is a lifelong endeavor.
更重要的一點,英文對剛起步的孩子而言,是一門全新的語文課,它需要您多ㄧ點的耐心與陪伴、多ㄧ點的鼓勵 ■